Friday, March 27, 2009

Yoga..a cult?

I think the saying goes: "If the shoe fits, wear it." You can deny you are something as much as you want but actions always speak louder than words.

Lululemon seems shady to me. For those who don't know what it a yoga-inspired athletic apparel company that also offer free yoga classes within their stores. Seems pretty great, but the more I learned about their methods, the more I questioned their motives.

They bring people into their stores with the lure of a free, trendy yoga class. Then they take all your money you didn't spend on the yoga class by selling you $52 tank tops. But no worries, they will give you a 15% off coupon. Whoop-dee-doo.

"If you want to be successful in this industry, it's about being authentic," says Christine Day, Lululemon's CEO.

I am totally not getting the "authenticity" vibe. But maybe that is just me.

In just a little more than 10 years, this company has gone from a single storefront in Vancouver, British Columbia to more than 100 outlets and $340 million in annual revenue. That works out to $1,800 in sales per square foot.

"Our vision is 'to elevate the world from mediocrity to greatness,' and we are growing so we can train more people and spread the word of The Secret -- which to us at Lululemon is not so secret,' says Chip Wilson, the company's founder and chairman.

Lululemon plans to expand into swimming, triathlons, and running.

So, we shall see. Google them, but beware--they will suck you in.

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