Friday, January 30, 2009

Snowboards and Sucess

Be your own Brand. Be invaluable. Be essential. Make people want you.
That is how you will make the big bucks.
That is exactly what gold-medalist, snow-boarder Shaun White is doing everyday...and everyone is jelaous. As his popularity increases so does the demand for "Everything-Shaun". Everyone wants to capitalize on this phenonmeon with red hair.
For goodness sakes, Heinz offered White six figures to put his face on everything from ketchup bottles to stewed tomatoes; playing off his nick name "the Flying Tomato." White says when opportunities arise such as this, he steps back and asks himself: "Do I really want that? Do I really want to be known as that?" Sometimes the answer is "no" and White willing turns down huge amounts of money.
White definitely controls his image to specifications set my him and his trusted agent, Mark Ervin of IMG. At age 15, he had Ervin write a right of approval into all his contracts to control the use of his name or likness.
"A lot of people will just put their name on anything, and you can tell," White says. "I just can't do that.
White seeks out companies that he truly connects with and that are relevant to his actual life. White sees it as a long-term investment. He is looking something that will outlast his knees.
"Shaun turns down a lot of money. And I couldn't be more proud of him." Ervin says.
White found a an untrapped audience. White's intict and drive to push new ideas and venture into new territories is quickly becoming part of White's value. He started his own brand of women's clothes with Target.
"I think know what we call them...special lady friends..they want to look hot." White says.
White is a long-term guy. He enjoys the moment but he understands the necessity of having a secure future.
"We look at everything through a long-term lens," Ervin continues, "and ask, How does this affect us in three years? Five years? Ten years? I look at my job as allowing Shaun to make informed decisions. I give my opinion, but never tell him what to do."
Everything isn't always peachy-keen for Mr. White. He is very aware of the "haters" out there. Exponential growth is definitely a double-edged sword. People are threatened by him and the coolness he exudes.
"I'm still pretty young and just winging it, but on a different level. I am not really worried about the haters, the Buzz Killingtons." White says.
I have a feeling this kid is going to make it and he is going to make it big. Watch out for Mr. White.
He has arrived.

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